Johnny’s new weekly blog

Featuring photograph, art, nature, food, people, community and our natural glory !

Over the weekend a group of friends were talking about regrets, it was more of an inquiry about regrets than regrets about regrets, we concluded that regrets and disappointments are indicators to things that were once and likely still are important to us.

My only real regret when I looked is that of choosing biology over art when having to choose between the two in school back in the UK, in making “wise” career decisions I often look back and wish I’d chosen art.

I know there’s a charge because I notice I have artist envy when watching masters sketch and craft and create with ease. I recall one artist friend responding to a question about how long a piece took to create with “about 20 minutes, and 40 years”… I can never reclaim those 40 years of practice. I can only decide to jump on in right now.

It also takes accepting what others see. That my photography is art. So here I go. is a collection of images many shot on my iPhone when walking through the forest. It time I’ll add more form the last 40 years…

The Art tab is this new weekly blog I committed to out of the regrets conversation, committed action to both create and share… so this new once a week blog is sharing from the present and past (as I sort through 50 years of images), I’ll also share stories of interest that appeal to me… and hopefully you too.

You can sign up for the blog below.

There’s more pages to come under the main site of Bob BC, celebrating the best of Beautiful British Columbia from my point of view here on the Upper Sunshine Coast.

Dinner with Friends is a community dining experiment born out of the pandemic as local chefs wanted to cook to reconnect, a local restaurant provided the space, so this is a creative culinary project unfolding, likely once a month or even once a week, Wednesday nights are available if you’d like to offer your menu.

You’ll also see my Mooos dessert, classic whipped cream dark chocolate and Bailey’s Irish cream, whipped into a delicious mousse, the classic Frech foam dessert that I’ve modified to perfection over 40 years. It’s a local product, so you have to come to Lund to taste it, or invite me to dinner !

The First Nations tab highlights resources I discovered when writing a paper to share my experience and learning after walking with out local Tla’amin First Nations People in Powell River, elders returned to the very place they were taken from as seven year old children, part of Canada’s shameful past under the Indian Act, attempting to remove the Indian from the Child, assimilating many thousands of year of culture into European Colonial ways. It’s shocking, virtually destroying culture, language and family, awareness now rising in the hearts of many non-indigenous Canadians, this new page is a tool for us settlers to learn from and expand as we figure out how best to support these good peoples who’s land we live on here on Turtle Island (North America), and other colonized countries around the world.

So as I share from my caring creative heart, I hope that I get to touch and maybe inspire yours.

You may notice the theme at the bottom of some pages “listen to the whisper ~ it’s your nature deep inside” I hear it living here on the coast in the forest, the eagle song, frog symphony, loon’s call, storms and all. We are nature, and we’re destroying our planet with mindless consumption pretending not to notice.

I’m not here to lecture, I’m here to serve, inspire and grow… to share the wisdom I see and hear and notice when walking through the trees and breathe clean air. Wake up to your nature, your noticing, your regrets, there’s still time to change your ways and stand for the world you dream of, that you’re committed to.

These blogs are new for me, I have to share, releasing the creative genie in me.

I love that quote “happiness is like jam, you can’t spread even a little, without getting some on yourself.”

Thank you for reading following and supporting.

There is a donation button on the Contact page if you feel so inspired.

Create. Share. Open to Miracles.

John Hewson ~ April 27, 2022


Broken Beauty