Broken Beauty

As humans we tend hide our flaws and scars in pursuit of perfection and the acceptance of others. We postpone opportunity including creative endeavours until the right time, when this or that is in place or once some other detail is handled.

Maybe we’ve got it wrong and the beauty of creation actually shows up in our brokenness and isms, embracing emotional difficulties, accepting who we are, expressing gratitude for the good and bad we think we are.

Discovering the work of Japanese restoration artist Naoko Fukumaru who has dedicated much of her career to seamless perfection in repairing artifacts, antiques and museum pieces, to now embracing Kintsugi a 500 year old art where a special tree sap dusted with gold powder highlights, rather than hides, the broken flawed imperfections.

How might you adapt your art practice and life goals to embrace your flaws with golden highlights, allowing your inner beauty and perfect imperfections to shine.

There is only now, today, not someday.

Be you.

Create, share, be open to miracles.

I committed to a blog a week, sharing photos, art, food, nature celebrating our natural glory.

Thank you to Naoko for allowing us to share your intricate work. Born and raised in Kyoto Japan, Naoko began life in her great-grandfather’s antique auction restoration business, moving to Europe, Egypt, New York, Detroit, Now living in Vancouver BC, raising a family while expanding her Kitsugi and restoration practice in nature on Canada’s wild west coast.

Blog created by John Hewson for & ~ April 27 2022


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