Art Blog

Words and Images by John Hewson
(unless noted otherwise)

AKA Johnny Whistler the Love Doctor

What do you love ? Focus on that… what we focus on expands…

Finding peace and gratitude in nature, sharing experiences in the posts below.


John Hewson John Hewson

Forest Walk

Short video/side show (4.43 min) to custom music.

I just love to walk in the forest, under the canopy, cooler, calm, in peace and harmony and gratitude, opening to amazing vistas and breath-taking views. Thank you Mother Earth and Nature’s Natural Glory.

We are one. We are the universe.

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John Hewson John Hewson

Have We Forgotten ?

On a day to day basis do we remember we live on a rock spinning in space… our sacred planet, shared, neglected or respected ? Have we forgotten ?

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John Hewson John Hewson

Joy on the Water

The view from the water, is so very different from the view on land. Becoming a skipper, Captaining a small ship allows for the sharing of this joy, both in the city of Vancouver, and further up the wild and glorious BC Coast.

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John Hewson John Hewson

Back in the ‘hood

Posting a letter at the beach for my far away cousin’s birthday leads me through my old neighbourhood.

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John Hewson John Hewson

Tickling Trees

Life is about the journey not the destination… the two ferry rides along the Sunshine Coast in BC allow for beautiful stops like this on the way ~ Sechelt Beach, Feb 23, 2023, a little snow, and a lot of sunshine… so bright, so fresh, so delightfully heartwarming and inspiring… thank you !

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John Hewson John Hewson

Do you believe in miracles

As I was present to the love and magic of the raven tree, these two beauties flew by squawking, so I stepped outside, capturing this on my iPhone… wow such majesty and beauty… blessed by the raven tree !

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John Hewson John Hewson

I love my home

When the view and the trees and nature speak louder than words, and the cry of the eagles stirs you at dawn, the ravens squark and play distract me throughout the day, all I have to say is thank you creator, thank you universe, thank you life… my ode to the raven the raven tree…

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John Hewson John Hewson

Morning Coffee

Good morning.

I’m not a morning person and never have been. Yet can be when I have to, a ski day, a trip, or important meeting.

Last time I visited my brother he made coffee and started talking, questions I could not compute, my response “did you see this touch my lips” ?

We both laughed, and allowed the coffee to do her magic, then easing into simple dialogue...

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John Hewson John Hewson

Happy 2023

Here’s to Peace for all in 2023. I didn’t send cards this year, there’s a lot going on, so this short message and New Year card celebrating some images from 2022 here in qathet on the Upper Sunshine Coast in Beautiful BC.

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John Hewson John Hewson

Long Time Sun

May the long time shine upon you

May all love surround you

May the pure light within you

Guide your way on

Sat Nam

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John Hewson John Hewson

Bio Magic

Best nights of my life… this little guy, noctiluca scintillans a single-celled organism, some kind of dinoflagellate phytoplankton that lights up coastal ocean waters on a dark night. Nighttime sailors witness spectacular natural light-shows off the bow. This truly magical delight is my reason for summertime nightly ocean dips.

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John Hewson John Hewson

Time for Life

Now and the meaning of life…

Being present not stuck in the past, or dragging it with you, not too dreamy with head in the clouds of futures yet to come, present to the gift of the moment, and what’s important now and next…

Let love win…

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John Hewson John Hewson

Walk in the woods after the rain.

The beauty of the forest after the rain, enhanced by piano, spontaneous amplifications of both make for a delightfully refreshing surprise.

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John Hewson John Hewson


Longing, noticing the gap between where we are and where we wish to be, that which matters most for ourselves, and beyond self, for family, community, globally.

Peace & harmony, love & belonging, joy & ease. home & comfort, being heard & understood…

What do you long for, what matters most ?

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John Hewson John Hewson

Playing with Clay

The speed of the wheel, I drive with a heavy foot too, hands becoming one with the clay, the bonzos accompanied by rude words as clay flies across the room. The satisfaction of clean up. Then painting and decorating with glazes and experimental design. And of course the joy in creating something close to what I’d hope for and intended. Thank you Shivaun for patiently teaching he who refuses to listen.

It’s a pleasure to explore and discover. And to learn from others.

These cute whale mugs came from level two, creating five identical pieces.

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John Hewson John Hewson

Savary Shore

This rock revealed at low tide harbours life.

A microcosm of colour, form, texture, home to plants and animals that thrive under the sea and enjoy occasional sunlight.

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John Hewson John Hewson

Kind Generous & Humble

As we walk and listen we learn the truth of Canada’s shameful past. 10,028 children lost their lives to mistreatment in the care of church and government. The cultural genocide of residential schools and The Indian Act attempted to remove the Indian from the child. Four generations of imprisonment, removed from loving homes, the impact of which goes on today.

Allow yourself to listen and learn and feel as these kind surviving elders share their stories.

As uncomfortable as it may feel for you, imagine what strength it takes to re-live these heart-wrenching experiences.

We must first face the truth before reconciling and healing.

We have all healing to do.

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John Hewson John Hewson

Beautiful Bench

What a bench, what a view…

It feels like you can see all of life from here.

Gratitude and Peace found daily.

Coffee, meals, friends, quiet times…

Not many other places I’d rather be.

Thank you ~ maybe you’ll join me too.

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John Hewson John Hewson

Heartfelt Truths

Three great books to touch your heart and illuminate the painful truths of Canada’s past. Finding a good way forward means embracing the truth and healing ourselves.

Each of these books have moved me deeply.

Is First Nations and Indigenous culture an access to world peace in our lifetime. This is not just Canada’s past, it’s humanity’s past. Colonization, consumerism, globalization, numbness to our pain, growth and the collective human journey.

I’ve allowed myself to be moved, I hope you do too. Thank you.

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John Hewson John Hewson

Yes Please

This image a Watercolour painting by Anne Louise Davies Heading Home, these Orca fins keep the dream alive, a reminder to get out on the water more often. I imagine the moment of this encounter from my kayak. The power of an artist’s image to keep a dream and hope alive. The spirit of the whale lives excitedly in me through this lovely image on the wall.

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 Listen to the whisper ~ it’s your nature deep inside