Forgiving God

Another sunset, another perfect day… here to notice and let the magic in.

I’ve been accused of causing people stress and making them wrong, of leaving people out, of not listening, and for walking away. Maybe these are struggles between separation anxiety, abandonment, delusional optimism and a desire to find family and belong a long way from home.

Whilst aware of my journey and circumstances, and the pure love of my amazing mum and family, a privileged life, it wasn’t until this weekend that I saw the purpose in it all, restless, curious, exploring, searching, moving every few years in hopes of belonging.

It was all to bring to me here. To this wild open beutiful place. A place where I can listen with compassion, see with open mind, and hear with open heart.

A day on the water kayaking, a swim at sunset, then home to a bed that overlooks it all. Thank you. This sure feels like it’s meant to be, and that I’m home, at last.

Whatever is going on in the psyche of this 8 year old mind in my 60 year old body, I was blessed with a beautiful heart and giant aha this weekend.

It’s all been for this.

All the challenges, and opportunities have brought me here, the guides, the integrity pricks, the noise, the many kindnesses, the discomforts and sheer curiosity, all eventually brought me here.

As I sat in the sunset on the rock, 9pm at night, I came for a swim after a day on the ocean kayaking, looking up the channel of water we’d paddled on, now ablaze in reds and yellows. A refreshing dip for sure and a rude awakening to how perfect it all is, even the family who left soon after I arrived offering me their fire to sit beside.

Touched and moved by the magic of life, the humbling realization we are stardust and the universe… to now see clearly that it was all for this… to be here now… in the magic of it all. Grateful, grounded, and clear that if I’d not travelled the road to here, I’d be at a desk or in traffic rushing to be somewhere where this only lives as calendar or postcard image, or 3 second glance-”like”- swipe-next on my device.

Living here in paradise, I’m clear planet earth is home, and here on the coast in the forest is home for me, more time on the water, in the wilderness, with nature, soaking up the miracles of life and sharing with you, in the hopes you too feel that pull of nature in you, each breath, each heartbeat, the gift and miracle of life.

Thank you God, The Creator, for the hard knocks and tough lessons. Thank you too for the loving hands, inspirations, noticings and guides.

You took my dad fifty years ago, maybe you needed him as an angel, maybe that was careless/caring words of comfort for a child, and yes I now see you took him so that I might see this. And feel it. And know I belong here in nature’s paradise.

Thank you to all of you who help me see more clearly and feel more purely.

Life is a precious gift. Not a disposable commodity. Cancer taught me to live. And I’ll keep on sharing nature’s glory and this journey with you. We are blessed, and we’re the sum of 7,500 generation’s of wisdom, natural born survivors, connected as living human miracles, the impossible is who we are, miracles in space, and here to create today with future generations in mind.

Our nature, share some of yours, as we preserve ours together. One world, one human race.

One planet, one human race finding a good way forward, caring for all living things. All of us responsible and equal, in it together… thank you.

Campfire overlooking it all ~ a moment of peace and clarity. Blessed to be alive. So grateful to be here by the Salish Sea.


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“What a Ride”