Drums Drummers Drumbeats

Echos of Heart

The drumbeat unites us all, echos of our mothers heartbeat in the womb. We’re all connected. (photo John Hewson)

Deerskin stretched across a frame, decorated, blessed, given thanks for, the drummer’s rhythms, marking time for toe-tapping, dance, delight, song, the ebb and flow of movement through sound that unites.

This beautiful drum was played by an elder at the first truth and reconciliation walk I attended, a union of voices in songs, walking to the beat, witnesses the return to a place of painful breaks in belonging, and education for some, shockingly gentle kind and forgiving of terrible mistakes in our recent past.

The drum unifies and purifies, simplifies, inviting forgiveness and release.

Healing for us all.

Before witnessing the beauty of this walk, the drum was a beat to escape the world, a moment of blissful release, lost in lyrics, rhythm and maybe dance.

This image, this drum, symbolizes the generosity of our local Tla’amin Nation and Coast Salish people sharing culture and experiences so that we might all learn, and remember we are one.

One human race, equal. Sharing one planet with a responsibility to work together, to heal and find a good way forward.

Let’s walk together. For peace, for Mother Earth, for the people and all living things. As Mother Earth provides for all life, everything we need, and as our mothers gave us life, let us remember we are all connected, we are one.

No matter the drum, the rhythm, the beat… we are one.

In deepest gratitude.

Thank you for sharing.

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Peace Within


Forgiving God