
What do you long for…

Living at the end of the road in glorious nature has me participate in a few online discussions and courses. This last week someone raised the question of longing… she herself was interested to hear what others long for…

What do you long for, what is your heart yearning for ?

It lead to the coolest discussion hearing what longing means to different people and what they long for, both personally and globally.

When I’m busy I long for peace and quiet and a moment to be present with the natural world around us… peace and gratitude for me are found easily in nature, when I stop to let it all in. A walk in the forest or a few minutes on my deck, no more longing, it’s there !

Today we get to enjoy the long awaited rains, so it’s cool to observe the greys blending into greys, trimmed by tree green and a fiery red maple below the window.

Cozied up inside I recall how over the years I’ve longed for this, time to write, time to create, time to be in nature. It wasn’t always this way, corporate life brought me to North America, camping weekends lead to longing for more nature and the vast night sky, now living on the coast, thank you qathet. Annual ski trips lead to longing for more time time in the snowy peaks on two skis racing above the clouds adrenaline fed, thank you Whistler fun creative years. How grateful I am to have both and lived both.

I was nicknamed the Love Doctor in New York City, because I’d respond to complaints with “well what do you love ?”, New Yorkers love to complain and often wouldn’t hear my question repeating their complaint so I’d hear. I simply replied with the question agin, often following up with “why not focus on that instead!”.

What is life without love and longing, as long as longing is not that thing you never reach for… to me its a thing to notice take action, commit and a least try.

Noticing what we long for is a wonderful thing, providing clarity. I want that for myself, for others, for community, the planet, all humanity ~ maybe if we all longed for peace and equality we’d help each other get there.

What do you long for ?

What do you love ?

Are you moving towards it ?

I sure hope so…

If anything and everything is possible, then why not go for it !

Contentment is a wonderful place to be.

Please share what you’re up to… and longing for… thank you.

Finding peace, purpose, gratitude, and a good way forward.

An After thought or two, my mum always loved to look forward to something, and my sister-in law defined happiness as a 3 part equation, something to do, something to love and something to look forward to…

Do you agree, what do you look forward to ?

Rainy grey days, time to reflect, notice, appreciate and focus


Walk in the woods after the rain.


Playing with Clay