
Natural Glory ~ a new beginning, a new way forward, a new way to be.

What does natural glory mean to you ?

The eagle is accorded the highest respect by all First Nations, flying closest to the Creator, so considered the messenger of the Creator, therefore its feathers are sacred, being the link between the the Great Spirit and the People.

The Bald Eagle is native to North America (Turtle Island), considered the strongest and bravest of all birds, often symbolizing loyalty, devotion, freedom, beauty, pride, determination, grace, truth, honour, hope, foresight, a psychic awareness and the divine.

Fearless hunters, soaring high, powerful vision, gliding silently on the wind, striking prey with great precision. Seeing an eagle is considered a good omen, and good fortune.

None of this was present to me in early 2017 when sketching this icon for my escape from Vancouver in search of a new home on the coast in nature. Captivated by their beauty and grace, a symbol of freedom, they were calling me. Fortunate to now live where they nest and patrol the coast. Their screech a distinct cry as they tilt their head back to call.

I have a few tales of eagles, these majestic wonderful captivating soaring rulers of the sky. I’ll share a few in the coming weeks. Watching them circle the sky above the valley in Whistler for hours, close encounters here in qathet, learning about their sacred symbolism and significance in traditional local culture.

First Nations teachings say they represent love and kindness.

Here’s a few short story videos, the Seven Sacred Laws read by elders of Turtle Lodge, including Grandfather Eagle… enjoy the sharing of sacred knowledge, values and spirit…

This Natural Glory icon is a slice of magic for me, keeping a possibility alive, connected to nature, our nature, our fragile planet, the cycles of life, living in nature a reminder that we too are nature, with a duty to take care of nature for the sake of all humanity and all life on planet earth. There’s no plan B or planet B.

The spirit of unconditional love, love of self, love of the planet, the teachings of the great spirit and all living things… clearly no mistake in blindly choosing this icon as my guide.

Moments of majesty & wonder whenever in their presence.

In Peace, Purpose, Gratitude, finding a good way forward.

NaturalGlory.ca a collection of photographs by yours truly… John Hewson in qathet BC.

Two eagles in a tree overlooking the Salish Sea in the rain (photo John Hewson)


“What a Ride”


Nature is the greatest artist of all