Nature is the greatest artist of all

John Hewson Beautiful Peonies in bloom Art Blog Natural Glory Bobbc

Being present when your dog gives birth to her litter of puppies, watching them grow.

Being present when your child is born, each breath, tiny feet and hands. Every miraculous intricacy.

Those silent moments when we hear our own heartbeat. The heartbeat of a lover or close friend.

The loss of someone dear, their spirit gone, and somehow shifted into you.

Everyday miracles of life as the seasons change, the weather blows through, the plants blossom then die, feeding the earth to return again as shoots and blooms next year.

Small seeds grow into giant trees, the intricacies programmed into that tiny grain, so many scattered on the wind, only a few get to be the fullest expression of their glory.

The birds that eat the seeds and poop them out far away for the plant to find a new home.

All these miracles of life, nature’s art form, natures natural glory, all around in the people we see and the natural world, a world that thrives with or without human assistance, and often crafted into curated beauty by our inventive hands minds and hearts.

Somehow nature says it best… we are nature… miraculous expressions of nature…

What an amazing gift life is.

These images are from walks in the forest and gardens in bloom nestled in nature here on the coast of the Pacific Northwest.

We are blessed.

Peace Purpose Gratitude finding a good way forward.

John Hewson Rhodos in the forest Art Blog Natural Glory Bobbc
John Hewson Tasty Clover Art Blog Natural Glory Bobbc



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