Long Time Sun

May the long time shine upon you

May all love surround you

May the pure light within you

Guide your way on

Pond Lillies radiate unfolding layers of nature’s beauty

Breath and mind, song and good vibrations…

We sing the Long Time Sun as our closing prayer in Kundalini yoga, taken from an Irish blessing, it marks the end of yoga classes before the final Ohm and Sat Nam.

Moving words that feel good as sound vibrates within…

How an Irish blessing becomes a yogic mantra must be in the magic of the words themselves.

The sun is the source of all life on earth, guiding our days and nights, seasons, body rhythms, weather, air, and nature around us, providing vital warmth and light. Energy flows, the light within us radiates connecting with each other, to the light and sun and universe way out there… a reflection of the infinite miracles, light and universe within. The wholeness of being. Life’s spirit and our humble place in it all.

Moving light, energy and breath through the seven chakras up and down our spine. It’s truly invigorating, a truly wonderful weekly practice.

The classes are hard, Kundalini is about breath and long holds of stillness or repeated rhythmic motion, shutting off the mind chatter to push through. Energy flows and toxins leave the body, fresh oxygen and movement feeds and flushes and renews all cells throughout our body.

We generate lots of heat.

A warm up, chanting vibrations, intense series, suspending breath, release, rest, meditation and closing prayer. A vigorous ninety minute cycle that is different each time, concluding with Long Time Sun…

The final celebration of the mind body spirit connection, the vigorous workout, our connection to all of it, our small place in the universe, the magnificence of life, so many miracles, us, in ourselves, each of us, and all of it, all around us.

May the long time shine upon you, may all love surround you, may the pure light within you, guide your way on…

Lodged in my brain and heart, available for recall anytime, anywhere. I’ll sing it when driving, on hikes, anywhere, it always lifts my heart and spirit. Magic words that connect the spirit, the yogi and the Irish in me.

When I sing these words in class present to each word, the vibration in my body, the voice and vibration of my neighbours on their mat, I sing for them, for me, for each of us present, and for all us here alive today on this our beautiful blue planet, spinning in space. And for all that came before enabling life today.

As the sounds vibrate in me, in my head and chest and throat, something loosens up. Maybe loosening the way I think it should be. Allowing really accepting the way that it is. Present to now. Calm. Clear. Open. Present to peace.

We are pure beings, made from love.

May that love in it’s purity always be with you, and be there for others around you. And that light within you, and in me, in all of us, guide us forward together as individuals, and as loving family of beings together sharing this brief precious life on earth.

It’s a few simple words and a beautiful prayer.

May they bring peace and love and light to you too.

Sat Nam

The meaning of Sat Nam: I am truth, truth is my essence.

Sat Nam is both a mantra and a greeting, it has the power to clear the subconscious mind so that old wounds and programs no longer get in the way of Self-realization. It does so by changing the projection of our minds. Mantra means the projection of the mind. "Bij" or seed mantras use universal sound currents to rearrange the habit patterns of the mind.

Very much like Namaste from other yoga practices, a greeting and thanks to teacher, I bow to the teacher in you, often meaning I bow to the light in you, a practice when returned honours the light in each of us, that we bring to the mat in class, our practice and life. In the sharing of light we honour each other.

Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘union’, a Hindu spiritual discipline and practice for health and relaxation, that includes breath control, simple meditation, flow and the adoption of specific body postures. In its many forms and practices yoga helps balance body mind spirit.

Thank you to my teachers and my teachers teachers. In particular Kristen, Patrick, Julia, Joanne, Neil, Will, Prash, Petra and Akiva. The difference you make and the practices you teach last a lifetime. May the spirit of your work, your dedication and teachings bring love, peace and harmony to all. Thank you.

Thank you too for all of you on the mat, in the room, your light and spirit are with me. Sat Nam. Namaste.

I do like the proud Irish blood in me being ignited by this Kundalini yoga practice and simple prayer. There is peace in being here and being me.

Here’s to peace, purpose, gratitude and finding a good way forward together.

Giant Lilly-pads and reflected sun

The intricate beauty unfolds from within… Salt Spring Island Pond Lillies, 2013


Happy 2023


Bio Magic