Art Blog

Words and Images by John Hewson
(unless noted otherwise)

AKA Johnny Whistler the Love Doctor

What do you love ? Focus on that… what we focus on expands…

Finding peace and gratitude in nature, sharing experiences in the posts below.


John Hewson John Hewson

I love my home

When the view and the trees and nature speak louder than words, and the cry of the eagles stirs you at dawn, the ravens squark and play distract me throughout the day, all I have to say is thank you creator, thank you universe, thank you life… my ode to the raven the raven tree…

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John Hewson John Hewson

Long Time Sun

May the long time shine upon you

May all love surround you

May the pure light within you

Guide your way on

Sat Nam

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John Hewson John Hewson

Time for Life

Now and the meaning of life…

Being present not stuck in the past, or dragging it with you, not too dreamy with head in the clouds of futures yet to come, present to the gift of the moment, and what’s important now and next…

Let love win…

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John Hewson John Hewson

Walk in the woods after the rain.

The beauty of the forest after the rain, enhanced by piano, spontaneous amplifications of both make for a delightfully refreshing surprise.

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 Listen to the whisper ~ it’s your nature deep inside